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The ban on girls above the sixth grade reveals the crime of the Taliban group

The Taliban’s recent decision to ban girls above the sixth grade from going to school is a heinous crime against humanity. This decision has once again highlighted the Taliban’s oppressive and regressive ideology, which seeks to subjugate women and deny them their basic rights.
Education is a fundamental right of every human being, irrespective of their gender, race, or religion. Denying girls access to education is a violation of their basic human rights and a grave injustice. Education plays a crucial role in empowering individuals, especially girls, to lead independent, fulfilling lives, and contribute to their communities and society.
The Taliban’s ban on girls’ education is not a new phenomenon. During their previous rule in Afghanistan, the Taliban had imposed a similar ban, which resulted in the closure of schools for girls and the denial of education to millions of Afghan girls. The Taliban’s oppressive policies towards women and girls have been well documented, and their latest decision is a clear indication of their continued disregard for human rights and gender equality.
The Taliban’s justification for banning girls above the sixth grade from going to school is that it is in line with their interpretation of Islamic law. However, this argument is flawed and baseless. Islam recognizes and upholds the right to education for both men and women, and there is no religious justification for denying girls access to education.
The Taliban’s decision to ban girls’ education is not only a violation of their human rights but also a threat to global peace and security. Education is a vital tool in promoting peace and stability, and denying girls access to education can lead to a cycle of poverty, inequality, and conflict. Education is also essential in countering extremism and promoting tolerance and understanding, which are critical in the fight against terrorism.
The international community must condemn the Taliban’s decision to ban girls’ education and take urgent action to protect the rights of Afghan girls. The United Nations, in particular, has a critical role to play in ensuring that the Taliban respects and upholds human rights, including the right to education.
In conclusion, the Taliban’s decision to ban girls above the sixth grade from going to school is a crime against humanity and a clear violation of their basic human rights. Education is a fundamental right, and denying girls access to education is a grave injustice. The international community must act urgently to protect the rights of Afghan girls and ensure that the Taliban respects and upholds human rights and gender equality.
the writer ; Aisha, women’s and children’s Right Active